Succulent Care 101

Succulent care can be intimidating for some people, however, we have noticed that most plant maladies can be solved by one thing: Allow your plant to dry out completely between each watering. That is to say, overwatering is the most common problem we see.
How to Pot Your Succulent
How to Water
Before each watering, it's best to do a quick and easy soil test. Simply poke your finger into the pot and see if you can feel any moisture. If it's wet, leave it a day or two, then check again. If it's dry, give the soil a good soak until it's completely saturated. This will change seasonally, so it's good to develop the habit of always trusting what the soil is telling you and water only when it's completely dry. In most climates, plants will need more frequent watering in the warmer months and less frequent watering in the cooler months.
Indoor Succulent Plants

Succulents kept indoors in our Pozzola pots will be happiest in bright indirect light, both natural and artificial work. Having them a few feet away from any windows with high sun exposure will be best. If they are too close to a window with high exposure, they will burn. As long as they are not in the complete dark for the majority of the time, they should be content.
Outdoor Succulent Care

The age of your plant will determine how much sun it will want. Younger plants will want to be in sun to part shade. Established* plants will be ok in full sun. When outdoors, the amount of water your plants may need can vary dramatically compared to indoors. When outdoors in the summer months, check your plants frequently (nearly every day) to see if they have dried out and need water. Winter time in warmer and temperate climates, they will likely need to be watered much less frequently.

If you water regularly, you can consider adding a fertilizer to your routine. If you are not seeing too much growth, and the plant may seem stressed, we suggest using Cactus Juice. Once a month is typically frequent enough for a healthy happy plant. However, if you are treating a stressed plant you can follow a biweekly regime. Always follow the instructions of fertilizer you are using.
How to tell if your succulent is stressed
If your succulent is stretching toward the light, drops its leaves, turns yellow, or begins to rot, it is stressed. Most of these are due to overwatering and can be cured by allowing them to dry out for as long as necessary. If your succulent does begin to rot, do not panic. Stop watering for the time being and allow the soil to dry out. Remove all the rotted leaves to promote airflow to counteract the rot.
Moving Your Plants
If you are moving your plants from indoors to out, say after the cold months are over, it is important to do so gradually. Begin by keeping them in a shaded area outdoors and gradually introducing them to more and more sunlight. If you move them from the shady indoors to the full sunlight outdoors, they will burn.
Cooler Climates
If you live in cooler climates, your succulents may need a tad more tending too. Without pots being porous and breathable its important not to leave succulents planted in them outdoors during excessive rain, or any frost or snow.
Airplant Care

Beautiful and delicate, airplants do best in bright indirect light watered regularly. Typically this means once a week to every 10 days. Fertilize monthly if you keep a regular watering schedule. To hydrate your plants, the best practice is to submerge them in lukewarm water for 60 seconds. Once that is complete, remove them and shake off any excess water.
Living Wreaths
The Athena

Our living wreaths will last indefinitely if taken care of on a regular basis. Before watering, always give them a gentle squeeze to check for moisture. Allow them to dry out completely between each soaking to avoid causing stress. The berries you see on your wreaths are dried Red Peppercorn Berries and Tallow Berries. If soaked repeatedly over time, they will begin to mold so it is best to avoid soaking them if possible.
To water them: fully submerged in water for 2 minutes. If your wreath is in a sunny spot, water at least once a week. If your wreath is in full shade, water closer to once every two weeks. If you water regularly, you can fertilize monthly.
The Kate

Tillandsias are tropical plants, so they will need to be indoors most climates besides the equator. Airplants on the wreath will be happiest if you spray them twice a week. Aim to spray the leaves rather than the roots.
Recommended Resources
The Garden Succulents Primer By Gideon Smith & Ben Erik Van Wyk
Succulent Container Gardens By Debra Lee Baldwin
Terrarium Craft By Amy Bryant Aiello and Kate Bryant
* Plants reach maturation in 6-8 weeks.